Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I woke up at 7am with the alarm clock with the intention of leaving the house at 8:30am or when Chip left for work.  But then I realized that I might be getting a package in the mail any day now so I just decided to wait another hour for the mail.  It's a good thing I did because she left a big package on my doorstep and didn't even ring the bell.  She just left it there.  If I wasn't home when she dropped it off then someone could've taken it.  It was the Big City Slider Station from Publishers Clearing House lol.  Yeah I know, I could've gotten it from Walmart but I can pay for it over the next 4 months.  I don't have the money to spend at Walmart right now.

Before the mail came I thought that I would go to Albertson's real fast and see what they have in the way of energy bars.  When I get to a certain point my stomach starts hurting because all of a sudden it's like I'm starving or something.  I don't know why it does that so I wanted to get some energy bars.  They aren't too bad I guess, most of them are a bit expensive like $1.50 - $2.  But then I saw the Tiger's Milk bars which were only .89 cents but they also had a tag that said buy 1 get 1 free.  So I bought 3 of them and got 3 for free.  I'm going to have to go back later and buy 20 more for $10 lol.

So then I went to the bike path and didn't stop for any rest, I was going to just rest at a Yokuts park just before Beach Park but then I figured that Beach Park is right next to Yokuts park so I might as well just keep going to Beach Park.  When I got there I sat on the cement bench and grabbed my Tiger's Milk bar and enjoyed it.  My stomach was a little tiny bit hungry but it wasn't too hungry but this Tiger's Milk bar filled it.  I sat there for probably 15 minutes then I went on my way back the way I came to come home.

When I got home I took the bicycle computer off and when I opened the back door the dog (toy chihuahua) was jumping up for me to pick her up and I did then I started walking in the door and went to reach for the doorknob to close it and the computer fell out of my hand.  OMG!!!  I picked it up and it was flashing numbers as if I had just taken the battery out and replaced it so it wanted me to set it up.  This means that I had lost all my information.

Luckily I had looked at the info before I got home so I kinda knew what my trip odometer was.  It was about 10 miles which was the same exact amount of miles I went on April 17th so I just wrote down the same miles.  Also I looked at my average speed and it was 12.2 so I wrote that down on my sheet (and in the bike computer stats in the Spark People page).  My time was about the same as April 17th also so I just put 52 minutes and no seconds.  I don't know how many calories or fat calories that was but I'm not really concerned.  The reason I say that is because going 12.2mph burns more calories than going 11.8mph.  Not that much but still, the numbers wouldn't be the same.

So that's it.  Tomorrow I'm going to leave at the same time as Chip since I'm not expecting anything in the mail.  Well, I did buy him some ties for Church with crosses on them but I'm sure they will be in a small enough package that they can slip it into the big box outside.

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