Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hook Worms

Well we just came home from the vet at PetSmart.  Our poor defenseless toy chihuahua has hook worms in her.  Poor baby.

The bill was $235.02 YIKES!  But, I guess it's worth it.  That wasn't for the medicine though.  The medicine was only $14.  The rest was for all the tests and just to walk in the front door.

Apparently these hook worms live in the dirt and a dog can be walking around in the dirt or even laying in the dirt sunning themselves and the hook worms latch on to the feet and then the dog comes in the house and licks her feet and then the worm gets swallowed.  They drink the dogs blood inside of their intestines.

Here is the link for Hookworms at the Mar Vista Animal Medical Center website.  The medicine that they gave us is called Panacur.  It's a cheap medicine but it works.

I hate knowing that my dog got this.  I'm going to have to clean out the back yard and just take Flower outside in the front yard with the harness and leash and pick up her poop with a plastic bag for now.  I don't want her to be in the back yard by herself until I can get out there and clean it up.  I wonder if there is a spray that we can spray on the dirt that will kill all life in the dirt.

I'm also going to have to give her a bath and wipe her paws everytime I bring her back inside the house so she doesn't lick anything that she might have picked up.

1 comment:

Sue said...

well at least wipe her can dry her skin out to give her a bath every time she goes out .... I got a pack of 24 wash clothes from Walgreen for a dollar, and I use those for Henry, Lucy, and Kenny's face and hands errr I mean paws.