Wednesday, May 06, 2009

New Amazon Kindle DX Coming This Summer

Amazon has announced their new Kindle DX which will ship this summer.  It's new features are a 9.7 inch screen that measures 8.5"x11" so it's the size of a sheet of paper.  Also when you turn the Kindle DX sideways the screen auto rotates very much like the iPhone.  They have also added more hard drive bringing it to 4GB.

Those are some pretty cool features, except that it still is not in color and it still doesn't have an SD card slot.  AND the price went up from $359 for the Kindle 1 and 2 to $489 for the Kindle DX.

WOW that's just too much money to spend on something that's just going to be outdone in another 6 months or so.  When they have their 4th generation Kindle is that going to go up to $600?  So what do people do with their old ones?  Recycle them?  Ebay them?  Or do they just live with it and feel stupid for wasting their money when they could've waited 6 months?

I'm going to wait.

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