Tuesday, May 05, 2009


I haven't been blogging the last few days but I'm still here.  It's unusual for me not to blog since I typically blog 1-5 times daily lol.  But I've been preoccupied with other things.

We just had new tenants move in on May 1st and so I helped them carry boxes in the house from the U-Haul truck and I've been watching TV.  Catching up on Stargate SG-1 on Sci Fi as usual.

I have noticed some weight loss thanks to my new way of thinking about eating and stuff.  Before I was just riding hoping that would be enough to lose the weight considering I lost nearly 20lbs last year with exercise alone.  It doesn't seem to be enough now so I've been measuring my food and drinking slim fast for lunch too.

I'm afraid of talking about my progress because it seems to never fail, I talk about how much I've lost then the weight loss stops completely then I plateau for a couple months before I give up.

About maybe 5 years ago I was eating nothing but salads and snacking on sliced cucumbers and baby carrots and I remember I was 212lbs and then one day after about 2 or 3 months of this diet I decided to weigh myself and I was 172lbs.  Well from that day forward the weight stayed the same, it just stopped then I got frustrated because I plateaued then gave up and the weight came back almost as fast as it left. That's because I started bragging about how I lost the weight.

All I'm going to say is that I'm working on it.  I've decided that by not talking about it I'm not bragging about it and if/when people come up to me and tell me OMG you've lost so much weight I'm just going to say thanks and move on from there.

As long as I'm eating right and not over eating and exercising I think I'm going to do good and lose the weight I need/want to lose then I can get back on with my life.  But not talking about it lol.

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