Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Spirit Board

I've been wanting to make a spirit board for a very long time.  I don't want to buy one because I want it to be personal, something that I made.  Perhaps when I die I might be attached to it some how lol.

I just haven't had the money to go out and buy all the stuff for it.  A friend of mine, Alyce, bought me the wood burning kit which I am totally grateful to her for because it's a $30 kit and even though I can afford to buy that I just would've never been able to because there is always something that is going to take precedence over a hobby.

All I need now is to buy the piece of wood to burn the letters and numbers.  I've mainly been waiting all this time because I wanted to practice wood burning to make sure I'm good at it before I even try to attempt it for fear of screwing it up.

So when Alyce first sent me the wood burning kit we went to Walmart looking for cheap wood to burn on and I found these little pieces of wood in the craft/hobby section for .99¢ but the wood is so difficult to burn on so I just figured that since it's so cheap I will do my best to try but no guarantees on it.  Well one of the pieces I ended up using to cut the Planchette with yesterday and I burned the Charmed triquatra on it.


It's not perfect by any means but it's mine.  Of course I'm going to stain it a little and put lacquer on it to keep it clean.  Then I've got to put the bottom pieces on it to make it slide easily on the board.  Here is what the board is going to look like:


I like this wood, I like that it has the bark on it and I think it's about $20 or $30 at Michael's.  I don't remember.  Of course I want a very big piece.  I think the piece that is probably the better size because it is paper size is about $15 or $20.  I want it to be bigger than paper to give the planchette a lot of room to work with.  Also I don't want the letters/numbers to take up the whole board because eventually I'm going to add a pattern around the whole thing to give it character.

Ok I know what people are going to say about spirit boards.  They are dangerous and they open up a portal that you cannot close blah blah blah exorcist yadda yadda yadda.  Whatever.  I don't believe in all that.  Personally I don't think this is going to work with just 1 person anyway and I can't ask Chip because he doesn't believe in the spirit world.  He is taught as a born again that the only spirit he is supposed to acknowledge is the "holy spirit" despite the fact that he has had an encounter with a ghost cat in my bedroom.  He knows they exist but he's not allowed to acknowledge that because of his religious beliefs.

Well, I don't go to church, I don't believe in organized religion.  I don't believe that if "God" does exist that he would want us to sink all of our money into a church to worship him/her/it when we can do that at home.  But that's a debate for another time or never lol.  My point is, I do believe in ghosts and no church is going to tell me that I can't believe.

Well, in July I'm going to buy the board to make this because I want to.  I've already made a commitment to buy some other things like a new seat for my bike which is about $30 - $50.  I'm thinking of just buying the cheap $30 one even though it's probably hard as a rock but then in August I can buy the sheepskin cover for it.  And I've also made a commitment to buy a cigarette kit for Chips cousin for her birthday on July 4th.  It's the injector for around $5 plus a cartons worth of tubes and a can of tobacco which should only be about $25 total.  So I'm pretty sure that after all that I can still afford to buy this wood to burn on.  Plus I want to buy some other wood burning accessories to go with it all lol.

Of course when I make this I will post the board picture.

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