Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Microsoft & Yahoo Vs. Google

I saw on Fox News this morning that Microsoft and Yahoo are going to merge and Yahoo will start using Microsoft's Bing search engine.  I don't know why.  Anyway, they said that Google has been kicking Yahoo's ass in the search engine department so MS and Yahoo are going to combine to kick Google's ass.

Shep on Fox said that Bing seems to be a way better search engine but I don't know about that.  I just did a bing search for my name "Xanapus" and it didn't seem that special to me.  It has a pop up on the right side of each item that shows you whats in there but who really cares about that?  It's not a little mini image of the page, it's text.  I don't see how it's better than Google personally.

Also, a few nights ago we went to visit friends of ours (see Beth's drawing, that's the night we visited) and when I went to look up the directions I opened Windows Live Mail (which I find easier than Outlook Express) and opened up the address book to copy the address to paste in Google maps but the address was a link so I clicked it and up came Bing Map.  After awhile trying to figure out just how I was supposed to get directions to that address I finally printed the directions with a map.  Well, those directions got us lost because they put us somewhere else.  They told us to turn left when we were supposed to go to another street 2 streets up on the right.  We ended up having to call to find out which street to go to and found out right and not left.

Google in my opinion is way better for search engines and for maps.  I'm probably not going to change.  There are some aspects of Google I don't care for like Google Chrome browser because it doesn't give me my Yahoo toolbar.  I'm kinda sorta looking forward to Google Chrome OS only because of the claim that it starts up faster than Windows but we will see if I can still use my Windows software since it will be Linux based.  One service of Google's that I do love is their free 1-800-GOOG-411.

Good luck Microsoft and Yahoo.

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