Sunday, July 05, 2009

More Miles

I don't know why I'm going through this stupid plateau. Who invented that anyway? God? Thanks god! Why can't I just do my exercise and eat right and continue to lose weight anyway? Why does it have to stop even though I haven't stopped?

So I'm looking at my index cards that I have written all my bicycle computer information down (and also put it in my website too (@ since I bought it in November and I'm seeing that when I first started writing it down I was going an average distance of 6 miles and that was just getting from the house to beach park then resting and then going back home and not even getting on the bike trail. But then the 2nd thing on this chart is 9 miles so I actually got on the bike path and made an effort.

So then as you can see I started going further even going 18 miles in 1 day then 17 miles the next day then I realized that I was being stupid, that my legs were just not ready for it so I stopped doing that and my average distance was 11 miles per day. Then tragedy struck, I had my accident.

So in April when I started riding again I was going an average of 9 or 10 miles per day. In mid May I started to step it up and went 11, 12 and 13 miles and even went 16 miles per day but then realized it was too much so I started going 12, then 10 then 12 then 10 lol.

So in June I was doing 12 and 14 miles then I started experimenting with 16 miles and next thing you know for 2 1/2 weeks I'm going 16 miles everyday that I ride. No more and no less. But then July hits and I get a bug up my bum, well, a homeless guy sleeping at the Manor St. rest stop actually helped me decide to go further and so I started going 19 miles per day.

Well, I'm going to just step it up a bit more. I've been doing the 19 miles per day twice now so I'm going to just add 1 more mile to that. No reason other than 19 just isn't a very even number lol. I'd rather do 20 so I can say oh yeah I ride 20 miles per day.

Then I think in August I might just go ahead and add more to it again and maybe jump up to 25 miles per day. I know my legs are conditioned for it now so I have no problem riding all the way at 4:30am until 5:20am which is when I get to my halfway point so whats another few minutes?

I just want to burn enough calories that this fat will just go the frick away. Hey, you can't say that I'm not determined lol.

EDIT: That was a post I made on the SparkPeople website yesterday.  This morning went I went out on my bike ride I actually did go 20 miles.  20.286 miles to be exact and it wasn't so horrible hehe.  I'm going to do that for 3 days then take 1 day off then do it for 3 days then 1 day off etc.

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