Thursday, July 02, 2009

New Bike Seat & Wood Burning Stuff

New Bike Seat:

I just bought my new bike seat finally.  It's an Ergo bicycle seat which means it has no "horn".  It's just the butt part.  The one I bought is the "Classic" Vinyl Bicycle Seat with the black sheepskin cover.  The sheepskin is supposed to add more cush for the tush.  It was a bit pricey at $67 after the shipping cost but it's worth it to me to have a bicycle seat that doesn't make me numb in places that make me blush to mention.  Also my left leg has had some pain shooting down from the crotch area and that's not good so this is going to be great to have.

Update: I just got an email from the bicycle seat website that I bought the seat from and the guy who is in charge of it all sent me an email saying it will take him 4 to 5 days before he can send it out because there was a tragic death in the family.  Poor guy.  I can wait.  4 to 5 days would be Monday or Tuesday when he can send them out.  That's fine, I wasn't really expecting it to be sent out until then anyway because of the 4th of July weekend.  I can be patient.  I was hoping it would've been shipped out today though so I could get it by Monday but that's fine.

Wood Burning Stuff:

I've been wanting to go to Michael's to buy some wood burning stuff but their wood burning section is too small.  So instead I went to the Walnut Hollow website.  They have a special discount for the 4th of July, all you do is type in Made in the USA when you checkout.  It didn't work for me, probably because all the things I bought are already discounted.  Here are the things I bought.

I don't normally brag every time I buy something... ok yeah I do but I just wanted to brag about these things lol.  All the wood burning stuff from Walnut Hollow came out to about $38.58 after the $10 UPS shipping.  Which is not a bad price to pay for shipping considering the alphabet set and the numbers set at Michael's costs $28 each.  And all that wood that I bought they don't sell the irregulars at Michael's but they are expensive there.  I would guess that I'd have to pay about $15 or $20 each for those.  So I think I got a really good deal on everything.  The hotstamps everyday series and word series, I probably will never use those or maybe use them once but who freakin' cares, .50 cents dude!  The books were not in the "Great Deals" section which I like to call bargain bin but that's ok.  $5.29 for a book is great and the other one that is 99 cents is a thin book.  No biggy.

I can't wait to get all that stuff especially the seat.  Oh boy do I need that seat because I've already added 3 miles to my ride thanks to that homeless guy at the rest stop.  But you know, thanks to him for creeping me out and pushing me to go further lol.

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