Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Jesse back on Big Brother?

I'm not watching Big Brother this summer.  Mainly I didn't watch it because of my bike riding schedule.  I really have no excuse not to watch it now because I haven't been going to bed early and waking up early because I can't ride my bike with this back pain but I just don't want to watch it this time around.  Maybe next time.

Last night I was watching the Soup on E! and they showed a clip of this psycho woman in the Big Brother house, she was in this room where this guy was sleeping and she got in bed and was staring at him sleeping.  Then they showed her diary session talking about how he shouldn't piss her off because she is PSYCHO!

Well she called him Jesse and I thought, nah, it couldn't be.  But on The Soup they showed a picture of Jesse from the last season of BB and I wasn't sure if it was really him that she was watching in bed because of the green night vision and all.

So last night around 1am I was laying in bed thinking about it so I turned the tv on and put it on Showtime 2 to Big Brother After Dark and right away they showed Jesse from BB10 sitting there talking.

OMG!!!  He's back?  Why?  Why of all the people did they bring him back?  Is it because he felt like he was screwed the first time even though he was a dick the entire time he was there?  What happened?  Why did they bring him back of all the people?

I think if anyone should've been brought back for a 2nd chance it should be Steven because he didn't have a chance in hell because he was friends with Brian who was kicked out the first week.  So if anyone should get a 2nd chance it should be Steven.

Oh well, I really don't care lol.

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