Saturday, August 08, 2009

Snitch On Your Mom

I don't go to the white house website.  It's not my number one priority for my daily browsing habits but I guess that if I did I would've seen a blog asking for "American's" to turn in anyone who sends you email or anyone talking in your home about health care.  Here is a direct quote from Fox News.

The White House is under fire for a blog post asking supporters to send "fishy" information received through rumors, chain e-mails and casual conversations to a White House e-mail address,

Conservatives have pounced on the request, accusing the White House of acting Orwellian.

"If you get an e-mail from your neighbor and it doesn't sound right, send it to the White House?"said Sen. John Barasso, R-Wyo. " People, I think all across America are going to say is this 1984? What is happening here? Is big brother watching?"

Radio host Rush Limbaugh accused the White House of using heavy-handed tactics.

"They're looking for tattletales,"he said. "They're looking for snitches. They're looking for informants."

I don't know what they are looking for but I think that it's starting to look like communism.  It said in the top paragraph chain emails and casual conversation.  So what if I'm sitting in a room talking to my cousin and he starts bashing health care I'm supposed to what, get on my cell phone and start sending an email to the white house?  I'm supposed to snitch on my cousin as he's talking then just tell him I'm checking the weather?

Uh, I don't think so.  Ain't happenin big bro.  That reminds me of the tv series in the 80's called "V" which ABC is remaking and will air in 2010 about these aliens who come to earth and they say they come in peace and all they want is to borrow some of our water but what they really want is food... us.  How does that remind me?  Because the supporters of the aliens were informants and they were snitching on their mother, father, sisters, brothers, best friends.  Anyone who wasn't supportive of the aliens they turned them in.  I'm not turning anyone in so the president can eat them.

I mean what are they going to do to the person that I'm asked to snitch on?  Are they going to put them in prison and clog up the courts and use more tax dollars to warehouse and feed these people that I snitch on?  Yeah, ain't happenin'.  First of all I would never snitch on anybody no matter how big of a supporter I am which I'm not but if I did have my nose 3 inches up Obamas ass I still wouldn't snitch on anybody.  That's stupid for them to even ask gawd.

I found the blog that Newsmax copied and pasted to their email to me.

"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"

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