Friday, August 07, 2009

Boycotting the Bahamas

Last night HBO had the Rosie Cruise documentary called All Aboard.  I don't know the exact title.  Anyway, I watched it and I was close to tears through most of it because I was just so happy for all of those gay families that they could have kids, this one family was these 2 gay men with 5 kids.  I just thought that was so great.

The main reason I was close to tears and in some cases I was tearing is because when my mom confronted me about being gay when I was 17 just before she kicked me out of the house, she told me "Do me a favor, don't ever have kids".  What a cruel thing to say.  It touched my heart that these people are able to have children and their teenage kids stand up for their parents and they don't let anyone give them shit.

The cruise started out in New York and they went all the way to the Bahamas and back.  When they got to Key West Florida, not only did they have out the welcome mat but they had a parade for them.  But as soon as they got to the Bahamas they were met by protesters from the Bahama churches.

Now I realize that those protesters do not represent the whole of the Bahamas but seeing that turnout turns me off.  I will never ever in my life go to the Bahamas knowing there are that many homophobes running around allowed to breed.  And I would expect that anyone who is gay would boycott this place.

There are lots of other places you can go like Jamaica or heck, Florida.  Who really needs to go to the Bahamas that bad when we have beaches in our own country.  Heck I would go to Venice Beach over going to the Bahamas any day.  At least in Venice Beach you got muscle men working out in full view of everyone and best of all you are keeping your money local.

My cousin got married in the Bahamas the day before my birthday and I was invited to go but I didn't have the money.  I wanted to go, I would've loved to spend my birthday in the Bahamas but I'm glad now that I didn't go because I was able to see their true colors thanks to the Rosie cruise.

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