Monday, August 10, 2009

Video Professor Free?

I see these commercials all the time for Video Professor where the "chairman" talks about how he gives away his lessons on CD for free.  Well, I hate to disillusion anybody but it ain't free.

I ordered my "free" lesson and when it finally came in the mail I saw the fine print.  It's free for a certain amount of time.  After that specific time is up they automatically charge your credit card $70.

I got the Frontpage lessons because I thought I was getting it for free for the cost of shipping.  I saw the warning and immediately called the number and told them I am sending it back the next day as soon as I wake up lol.  There is no way I am rich enough to be able to afford $70 for lessons for a program that I've been using since 1997 that I am clearly able to use without any of their lessons.  I just thought that they would be able to tell me something I didn't know but every lesson in there was something I am aware of lol.

It would be one thing if they charged $20 plus shipping for a lesson, that's at least reasonable but $70 that's a bit much.  Is it false advertising that they say it's free then you find out it's $70?  I think it is.

Ok I have to admit something.  This happened like 2 years ago lol.  I just saw the commercial and it jogged my memory and so I thought I would blog about it lol.

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