Wednesday, September 16, 2009

AT&T says proper 'broadband' excludes online gaming

AT&T says proper 'broadband' excludes online gaming - Source

wowthumbClick the link above to get the full story.  Basically what they are saying is that AT&T is saying that playing MMORPG games is an "aspirational service" which basically means they want to charge you more to play online games on top of the already high DSL cost that you pay every month.

If AT&T starts to tell me that if I want to play my MMORPG games that I have to pay an extra fee I'm gonna tell them to kiss me where the sun don't shine.  I'm gonna get my broadband service with my cable company which actually costs more but I would get a better internet connection.

It does bother me that they are trying to do that because it's like all they are thinking about is their pockets during a time that people are losing their jobs and this is the only thing they have to entertain them while they are trying to find a new job.

AT&T is already a rich company.  They've been around as long as I can remember as a long distance service before taking over SBC who took over Pac Bell.  If they take away my games I'm also going to get a new phone service because that's just pure BS.  I can get phone service with the cable company Bright House and see the Caller ID on my tv set which I think is better so I don't have to find the phone to know that I'm not going to pick it up lol.

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