Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Microsoft's Secret Tablet

Courier: First Details of Microsoft's Secret Tablet - Source Gizmodo

Freakin awesome!  Check out that video in the above link...  go ahead I'll wait.


Did you see it?  Great.  What do you think?  I think it's so cool how you can write in the journal side over on the right and you can drag things over with your finger or stylus.  You write in the website address instead of typing.  Wait, does this mean all my blogs will be written?  Oh crap, then all the people who read my blog will be screwed because I suck at writing.  Well I guess this means I better go back to elementary school and relearn how to write with an actual pencil and paper.

First of all, notice that they said in that link that it's not a tablet.  It's a "booklet".  I'm sure this will have a freakin' huge price on it.  There is no price yet though because it is still secret lol.  Well, not anymore.

Just imagine in the future all the kids will have these in their backpacks instead of notebooks and textbooks.  It will replace both of those, sorry Trapper Keeper.  They can leave their backpacks in their locker while they roam around the halls to their classrooms with just 1 thing, this "booklet".  Their load will be much lighter than when I was in school.

And perhaps if 1 kid says hey can you share your notes you can open both of your booklets and the person with the good notes can flick their notes to the other person instead of waiting a half an hour for them to manually write it all down.  That would be awesome, well, for them anyway.

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