Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Warehouse 13 Season 1 Finale

Warehouse 13 just ended with a huge cliffhanger.  Good show eh?  At first I wasn't sure if I was going to like it because it seemed like they were trying real hard to be like Eureka with the B&B and all and the warehouse being like Global Dynamics and such.

Well at the end it turns out that it's just like Eureka in the sense that the B&B lady was working under cover and she released the bad guy who BLEW UP the warehouse lol.  Well, not all of it but it appears that Artie is dead.  But that's what they want you to think because that's what a cliff hanger is for lol.  He's not dead, he had the phoenix on him.  But if he was holding it then 2 people will die, that's what happened when the big bald guy came out of the fire and the 2 lackeys died.

Well, even though I compare this to Eureka or say it's a wannabe eureka I still enjoyed it.  I guess it's not all that much like Eureka but it's still a good show and I can't wait until 2010 to see another season.

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