Monday, November 03, 2008

Todays Ride

I decided that since I got a new cyclo-computer that I would go out today even though I went out yesterday.  I like to give my legs a days rest normally but I was too excited not to go out.  I wanted to see the exact amount of time I would ride along with the exact miles per hour and the exact amount of miles that I rode.  Before I would have to go to google to map out my ride so I can get an exact number of miles that it takes to go from the house to there and then back but this tells me all that information.  Also google maps doesn't let me map out the ride on the bike trail so when I start riding on the bike trail I won't know how many miles I went.

Well, today when I got to Beach Park the ride was only 16 minutes.  Normally with my other stop watch the ride is like 22 minutes but that's because whenever I pull over to get a drink of water or to rest my legs for a minute I don't stop the timer.  This new computer turns the timer off when you stop riding so I'm getting an exact reading of how long it takes me to get there.

I've been putting in the SparkPeople website that I've been doing 14-15mph and I was riding 12-15 mph today but it showed my average speed at 10mph so where it shows my calories that is reflective of me going 10mph.  So, when I added todays bike ride to SparkPeople I had to tell them I went 10mph.  I want to be as accurate as possible.

Instead of riding every other day I'm going to try everyday.  I figured maybe I could do 2 days on, 1 day off but I think that my legs are getting used to it enough that I can start going everyday.  This is my 4th week of riding the bike.  My first week I only rode to California ave and back which was 4 days in that week.  My 2nd week I only rode to Oak and Truxton and back and that was 3 days.  My 3rd week I made it to Beach Park and rested then came back and that was only 2 days.  Now my 4th week I'm getting to Beach Park and without resting going straight onto the bike trail but I only went a little distance before deciding to go back to the park and resting for 10 min before going home.

Now that I'm getting better I would like to spend 20 or more minutes on the bike trail (maybe 10 min out then 10 min back) then resting before heading home.  I'm actually really excited that my legs are getting better and getting more used to riding because as I've said before, I'd eventually love to ride for 2 hours a day.  The weight will definitely melt off when I'm riding for 2 hours a day.  Also I'd like to get to the point where that is 2 hours straight.

I'm actually excited about losing weight for the first time in a long time because I know that if I ride the bike on a daily basis I will definitely lose the weight a lot faster.  Now I just need to start eating better to make this weight loss go faster.  I'm trying my best.

Edit: Yes, I realize I was rambling lol.  I edited out some of the redundance lol.

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