Monday, January 05, 2009

Don't Text and Drive

As of January 1st 2009 it is illegal to text while drive.  Ok, who does this?  Seriously.  I have trouble picking up a drink while driving then trying to find the hole to put it back.  I can't even eat an ice cream cone while driving without worrying I'm going to end up in a ditch if ice cream drips and falls on my leg when I'm wearing shorts.

Well, now that you can't text and drive anymore you have much more time to watch tv or play Daxter on your new PSP-3000.  Just make sure you look over the PSP every once in awhile to make sure you see the road but of course pause your game first if you think about it.

Now you have time to shave while driving.  Putting on your eye liner in the mirror.  Don't forget to make sure you have a lot of sloppy food while you eat.  That isn't illegal yet.

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