Saturday, January 03, 2009


I've been hearing this word being used lately that sounds weird to me.  People are saying Infinite but pronouncing it like In-fy-nyte but it's pronounced In-fuh-nit.

The definition of this word is unlimited like say for example, space is infinite because it's so big it just never ends.

It confuses me when I hear people saying this word wrong because I think they are saying something else.  I heard it at Christmas time several times by 2 people and now I just heard it on TV.

It sort of reminds me of the word Nuclear.  It is pronounced noo-klee-er but I hear people like George Bush saying nu-cu-ler.

By the way, the links in this blog are from and they each have a Hear button that you can click which plays a persons voice (man and woman) with the correct pronunciation.

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