Tuesday, March 17, 2009


We just watched this show on Showtime called Trantasia which is a beauty pageant.  But unlike Miss America, it's with transsexuals.  The contest was the "Worlds Most Beautiful Transsexual Pageant" and it was from 2006.

I watched it because I thought it was interesting because I am a part of the gay community and so I wanted to watch it.  But I found it interesting how these people live their lives as a female whether it be pre-op or post-op.

This one person said, and this really pissed me off too, "my husband of 7 years and I performed homosexual acts" and something to the effect of "I don't have anything against gay people but some day they are going to have to answer for their sins" or something.  Uh, hello!  You are gay!  Don't kid yourself honey, you are a homosexual with tits.  Whether you have a penis or a mutilated penis turned into a fake vagina, you are still a dude.

I understand that men who feel like they are really women need to have the surgeries and stuff and I don't have anything against that but I do have a problem when they turn against their own people.

This was supposed to be the "World's Most Beautiful Transsexuals" but most of them looked like crazy drag queens ready to do a show and so naturally they didn't win.  The final 8 were picked because they were the most believable looking women.  The rest were not picked because they still looked like dudes in dresses with tits.

Naturally the ones who lost were saying that it was rigged and they claimed sabotage and one of the African American ones claimed that racism is still alive lol.  Hon, it's not racism, it's not sabotage and nothing was rigged.  First of all the one who claimed sabotage looked like the biggest drag queen of the millennium.  Don't kid yourself, if anyone sabotaged you, it was you lol.

The winner was the most believable looking one and she deserves her crown and lol title.  To the rest of them... dude, what a drag.

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