Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bike Supplies Arrive Today

Well today my Blue Wave Camelbak 70oz/2 Liter backpack came as well as my Sweatvac Ventilator Cap (Diablo).  I've been waiting for it all morning and the stupid mail carrier didn't even ring the doorbell.  What the hell!  This isn't a very good neighborhood for leaving shit on my doorstep.  Hello!

Anyway, it came and so I'm happy.  Of course I tried on the skull cap immediately and thankfully it fits perfectly.  I started wondering maybe I bought one that was too small or too big but it's perfect so that's good.  I had this f'd up dream last night that I got it but it was 1 inch thick all the way around and it was a lot bigger than it really is and I was pissed off in the dream.  Also it wasn't Diablo, it was blue and black lol.  I put it on and it covered the top of my head and parts of my face and it was so heavy lol.  Well, the real one is ultra-thin and lightweight, it's so light you don't even know you are wearing it after awhile.  I wore it around the house for half hour and not realizing I still had it on.

My Blue Wave Camelbak is really nice.  It's red and black and it has 2 compartments for you to carry other things.  I like it.  It's 70oz which according to the tag is 2 liters and that's enough for me.  Normally when I go riding even when I did the 18 mile trek, all I had was a 32oz cup.  Actually when I was doing the 18 miles I ended up having to refill it at one of the rest stops which was fine.  The water wasn't great out of the drinking fountain but it was fine until I got home.

So all I need is my front wheel from Snider's Cyclry and then I'm all set.  I was supposed to have it yesterday but they told me Monday so now I have to wait until Monday which is fine I guess.  I can wait just a couple more days.  But if they still don't have it I'm going to raise hell because I can't stay this fat forever lol.

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