Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Hamburger Helper

I don't know why but it's been awhile since we've had Hamburger Helper.  I blogged about it in September but I wanted to add to that post.

I went to the store to buy something for lunch and also wanted something for dinner.  I sat and thought about what I wanted before I left to go to the store and Hamburger Helper entered my mind.  We used to have it all the time or whenever it was 10 for $10 at the store.  I'd buy like 10 of them and just keep them in the pantry until we wanted it.

I'm so glad I thought about it but when I went to the aisle that the hamburger helper was on I was overwhelmed with the variety of helper products.

It's not just hamburger helper.  But then again they've had Tuna helper since I was a kid at least.  I seem to recall some time in the late 80's or maybe early 90's when I first started seeing Chicken Helper.  But I could be wrong, I wasn't really paying attention to the chicken helper.  They actually have more than 60 different flavors.

There is so much of a variety of helpers that I just find it so hard to decide.  If you know you want a particular meat like hamburger or tuna or chicken then your choices are at least slimmed down a bit but even still there are so many choices.

I'm a simpleton, I like the original hamburger helper that's like macaroni and cheese with meat.  I do like to get the stroganoff sometimes and the nacho.  We also like the tuna helper.

But I'm sure you don't have to be limited to tuna, chicken and hamburger.  I'm sure you can put some other meat in there like say you want meat balls instead or you want to use ground turkey which is actually a lot leaner and healthier choice.  Or you can add ground sausage meat or even maybe spam ground up.

I'm sure all the hunters just love deer helper or bear helper.  Maybe they might like some other kinds of meats like maybe possum helper or road kill helper.  The possibilities are endless in the flavors you can have.  Even cannibals on the islands can have people helper.  There are even people in different countries (which I will not name for fear of being sued) who might like dog helper or cat helper.  Oh and cowboys and jockeys who have a horse with a broken leg don't have to lose out.  They can have horse helper.

No?  Did I go too far with the horse helper?  Or was it all the way back to the people helper?  Oh come on, that was funny, don't deny you are laughing out loud.

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