Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is a product that does exactly what it says it does on the commercials.  Wow, I just never knew that it would work that well.  Chip doesn't like buying things that he sees on the commercials because 9 times out of 10 they don't do what they say they are supposed to do because you can usually buy the generic brand and it does the same exact thing.

Our tenant next door left the house just filthy when he moved out.  It took me 2 hours yesterday to clean out the refrigerator.  The freezer was completely covered in mold because his electricity got shut off.  There was this one spot on the fridge door that was just so beyond gross.  It was a build up of something, I don't know what.  All I know is that it was so gross and it would not come up.

I gotta go back there today after I eat my lunch and clean the stove top and the oven so I bought some oven cleaner and I bought a package of magic erasers because I know if anything will clean that stove it will be the magic erasers.

I just did a test with 1 of the 2 that were in the package on our stove.  There are these certain spots that I just cannot get clean.  Although, when I try it's usually with just a wash cloth and soapy water from the dish soap so in all fairness I'm not really trying that hard.  But the magic eraser got it all up real fast and the stove was sparkling clean.  Wow, I just couldn't believe it.  With very little effort too.  Just amazing.

I'm going to have these on hand from now on because this is an amazing product that does exactly what they say it will do.  In a world of false advertising, it's nice to see a company who is actually telling you the truth.

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