Sunday, August 23, 2009

True Blood

Wow, this show is a roller coaster ride.  Every time I watch it I'm like whoa.

In season 1 when grams died I was in shock.  I just wasn't expecting them to kill her off and so soon in the show too.  Then it just seemed like every episode I was left with whoa, that happened didn't it?

Season 2 is the same.  It's like they have this formula that just works and you can't escape it.  It's as though the creators of this show have glamored me just like a vampire can glamor people.

Now Sookie has a new power with her hands but it has only worked on Mary Ann so far.  She didn't even know she had this and perhaps it's because she didn't need to know she had it because it only works on 1 person which is the demon Mary Ann.  Actually she needs to know how to control it so it would've been good for her to know she had it so she could figure out how to use it.  Although if it only works on Mary Ann then she wouldn't be able to practice but when she does need it I'm sure she will be able to figure it out on the spot.  Trial and error I guess.

Boy has Sookie missed some shit up in her crib while she was gone in Texas.  If she stayed she would've probably been killed because Mary Ann probably wouldn't have been able to glamor her.

I would like to know where all the Bon Temps vampires are and why they didn't contact their sheriff Eric to tell him that some shit's goin' down lol.  I know Bill isn't the only one in Bon Temps.

Well, I love the show and I hate that they only have 12 episodes.  Too bad they don't have a regular season at the same time as all the network channels do from September/October to May.  24 episodes per season would be awesome lol.  I think it would be neat to have a Halloween and Christmas episode don't you?

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