Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Fresh Air Fund

Remember when it was summer and time for summer camp?  Well the Fresh Air Fund worked hard at the beginning of summer this year to raise enough money so that 8,000 children could go to camp in the New York area.  Here are some highlights.


It looks like the had a lot of fun.  As you can see in the video they did a lot of tie dye which is actually a fun activity.  We did that when I went to band camp in 1981 so I guess it's something that never goes out of style.

What I'm most happy about is that they got to go swimming.  Well, for them anyway.  Me, I had to suffer.  Why can't they have adult camps?  Hehe I kid.  No but seriously, where are the adult camps?

Hey if you want to follow the Fresh Air Fund check them out on Facebook and Twitter and you can also visit their website www.freshair.org.  Perhaps next year will be the year that you help an underprivileged child go to summer camp.

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