Thursday, October 01, 2009

Jury Duty


I have something to say about jury duty.  Yes I realize that it's an important thing for the courts and all but the way they go about getting people to be on the jury sucks hard.

You get a jury duty notice in the mail and you have so much time to report and if you don't show up you go to JAIL!  WHAT!  How is that even fair?  It's like they are forcing people to go there instead of work and they don't even pay you that much money to miss work.  I mean it's one thing if you work at a McDonald's, you need the time off from that but what if you make thousands of dollars a week from commission and so you are losing money by going to jury duty.

That is so messed up that you can go to jail if you don't go.  I know that this has been going on for a long time but it just goes to prove to me that this country is not yet free.

Now I know that nobody is going to volunteer for Jury Duty but come on, why don't they recruit people who are out of work?  Why not make this an incentive to bring people in for jury duty.  Offer them a chance to make some money while they are out of work especially now that people are out of work.

It just sucks that they threaten you with jail time if you don't go to jury duty.  It's like the church threatening hell if you don't go to church which is worse than jail but I have a feeling that's where they got the idea to threaten jail.

And if you don't do jury duty and go to jail you will probably lose your job for being in jail and you won't be able to get a new one because now you have a record.  It's a trap.  They send people these post cards every year and you have no choice but to attend or face having a criminal record and not being able to get a job.

Great job government.

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