Friday, January 09, 2009

Tom Cruise On The View

This morning I wake up (late) and go into the living room and the view is on the tv set.  Now normally I'd go back in my room and get on the computer or something because I don't normally sit and watch this show.  Rosie ruined it for me frankly.  And it's a chick show.

But I sat there and they announced Tom Cruise.  Now normally I would get up and go into the other room if I heard his name but I sat there and watched.  This is the Tom Cruise that I like and have missed for such a long time.  He wasn't outrageous, he didn't jump on a couch or call Barbara Walters Glib.  He did the interview the way he should have by answering questions.

If he keeps this good behavior up he just might get back into the good graces of people and they might start paying to see his movies again.

They asked him about Jett Travolta about medication and seeing a doctor and he said that it simply isn't true, in fact it's the opposite, yes the scientologists take their kids to the doctor and get them medication for whatever illness they have.  His whole thing with Brooke Shields and Matt Lauer was that "he" doesn't believe in psychiatry or something.  But that was probably his belief and not Scientology.  He was basically speechless about Jett's death.

He finished the show and he was just perfect in this interview, just perfect.  Good for him and I hope things work out for him.

1 comment:

Tom Cruise On The View | said...

[...] Tom Cruise On The View [...]