Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dungeons & Dragons Online Gameplay

I was playing D&D Online for a few hours today just doing quests and it was kind of fun.  Since I'm not paying a dime for it, it was real fun hehe.  As I said in my previous post D&D Online For Free you get unlimited play for free.

I still haven't picked up all of the commands yet but some of them are similar to EverQuest such as you can type /sit to sit down, pressing i for inventory, m for map, space bar to jump... but there are other things that are different and some I just don't know how to do.

I figured out how to swim finally.  I remember when I first started playing EQ and my cousin wouldn't tell me how to swim so I kept drowning when I would accidentally fall in the water.  But all you have to do in EQ is press the page up to go to the top.  In DDO that doesn't work but I figured out that you right click the screen and move the mouse up so you look to the top of the water and just press the up arrow to go forward as if you are running but you are really swimming up.  Also they don't give you much air to breathe before you drown and die so a ring with the ability to allow you to stay under water for periods of time is a good idea but it only has 1 charge but it recharges over a days time.  I don't know if that is game days which could be an hour or 2 or if it means our days which is 24 hours.

I'm still working out all the kinks lol.  I don't really like having to play with the mouse though.  In EQ I could go up to a "mob" (mobile object aka the bad guy) and hit Q (or whatever I made my special auto fight key) then just move the arrows to keep me moving around.  In DDO you have to actually click the left mouse button to hit once but continue holding to continuously hit the target(s).  With my left shoulder hurting it's difficult to reach over with my left hand on the keyboard arrows to move around while using the mouse to attack.  I have the option of using the letter keys to move around but I prefer arrows, it's easier for me to remember which ones I have to hit.  And I can't use the mouse with my left hand.

Oh and it takes a long time to level but with only 20 levels maybe it's better that it does.  I mean who wants to get to level 20 in a day and then have all the fun sucked out of it?  There are 6 ranks in each level I'm in the 6th rank but the bar is somewhere in the middle so when I pick up where I left off it won't be long before I'm level 2 rank 1.

Well it's a fun game and if you play it or start playing it you can find me on Ghallanda as Xanapus level 1 cleric.  I only have 3 spells so far which I'm still getting used to so don't ask me for any buffs or to heal you because my buffs only last for a minute and I can only give you a heal of like maybe 5 hit points lol.

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