Thursday, September 17, 2009

I've had enough of DDO

I like the Dungeons and Dragons Online game (the free version) but apparently it doesn't like me too much.  Every time I go into this one zone from Misery's Peak all of a sudden my internet connection dies long enough for the game to crash but then it bounces back and I'm online again.  I don't get it.  Also I've noticed that now I can't reboot my computer without crashing the whole network (DSL router).  If I reboot then I lose connection for the entire network so I have reset everything by turning off the DSL modem, unplugging the router blah blah blah.

So, I've decided that DDO is history.  All of this crap I think is directly related to DDO so it's gone.  I mean I can't really blame the game but why does it crash my internet connection every time I go in that 1 zone?  Why even allow me to play the game at all?

It's a trial anyway, I can get to level 20 and that's it.  Once I get to level 20 the game is done.  I'm sure I can play for years with level 20 but whats the point if it's all the same zone every time?  I will probably never be able to leave that island so why even bother?  I mean, I might as well play the EQ game that you can only get to level 10 with.

Eh, I have lots of other things going on in my life that I can't be bothered by online games.  Maybe if I were bored that's one thing but I'm not that bored lol.

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