Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wifi Dowsing Rod?


Wi-Fi Dowsing Rod makes you look like a confused time traveler - Source

Wow, all I have to say is wow.  This product is just the most usless product I've ever seen lol.  I mean sure you can find a wifi hotspot but where is the tinfoil hat that goes with this?

Dowsing Rods were an old form of searching for water.  I hate to tell you but it's not the 1500's anymore and the last time I checked there wifi hotspot isn't hiding with the water.

I've actually seen smaller products that do find wifi hotspots that don't make you look crazy.  In fact, you don't even need to search for a wifi hotspot, just go to Starbucks and McDonald's, they have them for free.  They also have them at some book store chains like Barnes & Noble.  All you have to do is look for the sign in the window that says FREE WIFI and you are good to go and you don't have to worry about looking like a fashion disaster.

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