Monday, September 14, 2009

Jay Leno Show

The new Jay Leno was on tonight at 10pm on NBC.  I liked it better when it was called The Tonight Show.  It's the same thing but he doesn't have a desk anymore. Oh well, it was still good.

His first guest was Jerry Seinfeld who brought Oprah on via satellite lol which was kind of odd because Jay Leno wasn't able to talk to her at all, only Jerry.  But you know, it was a skit.  At least he can say that his first 2 guests were Jerry Seinfeld and Oprah, well sort of lol.

Kanye West was on with Jay-z and Rihanna and before they performed Kanye wanted to apologize to the world for what he did.  He seemed very remorseful and just like a little puppy who just peed on my laptop.  He had those sad puppy dog eyes.  He said that he was going to take some time off to reflect on his life and his future.

It sounds like he wants to just crawl into a hole with his tail between his legs until it all blows over and everyone forgets but as soon as he makes his comeback the first thing people are going to mention is what happened last night.  He might as well just take a couple of weeks off and just keep touring and pretending it never happened and eventually people will forgive and forget.  As long as Taylor Swift accepts his apology then people will forgive him.  Just like how the world is in love with Tom Cruise again after he apologized to Brook Shields and had a beer with her in the rose garden.  That was a joke lol.

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