Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Tanning Salon

It's on the Bakersfield news that this woman has been going to this tanning salon for the last 5 years and she bought a bottle of this lotion for $22 and was promised a whole month of free tanning with the purchase of this bottle.  She saw them moving some boxes and when she went to the store to ask them what they were doing they hid from her lol.  Next thing you know the store is empty and a sign on the door saying they moved cause they lost their lease.

She said that they didn't tell her where they moved lol.  I smell something and it's not cocoa butter, it's a PIA customer.  They probably didn't tell her because she has probably been a pain in their ass for 5 years.

"I take tanning very seriously"

Ok Georgia Hamilton.

I really hate to bring this up but there is a more natural way of tanning and it's free.  It's called a beach towel, your back yard or wherever you can go, maybe the park? And the SUN.  The sun provides free tanning all year long no matter the time of year, the sun is always out there.  Unless of course it's raining or there is a fire that is causing a lot of smoke in the sky.  Or a giant woman wearing a Tarzan bathing suit that is as high as the Bank of America building in downtown Bakersfield.

Now I don't go tanning at a tanning salon very often, well never really because I find better uses for my spare cash, like oh I don't know, groceries.  So I don't know if there is a huge difference between the damages that the sun causes compared to the damages that a tanning salon causes so I really can't say that it's better to be in the sun as opposed to the salon.

When I am able to ride my bike or even just being outside I get a nice tan on my arms and legs then of course I have a tan line which is my t-shirt arms and my shorts lol.  Normally I try to stay out of the sun as much as possible because I'm burned in 5-10 minutes.  When I have to sit at the bus stop I usually have a baseball cap on to protect the ol' chrome dome and my forehead from turning a nice beet color.

Anyway, I'm sure she can get the tan she wants by laying in the sun for short periods of time here and there everyday and she doesn't have to spend a dime, well except for the sun tan lotion of course.

Do you tan?  Tell me which is better.  The sun, tanning salon or spray tan.

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