Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Those teabaggers on the news

I was watching Fox News this morning and Kelly from Kelly's court was talking to this guy and she read a letter where someone called him a teabagger.

Urban Dictionary Definition

a man that squats on top of a woman's face and lowers his genitals into her mouth during sex, known as "teabagging"

Matt baseball, I can't believe he skipped our lan party to go to practice. Yeah, that kid is such a teabagger.

I'm not sure if they are aware of this but old people watch this channel lol.  If they say teabagger they better be prepared to show the definition on the screen for said old people because they ask young people for the definition and young people are going to be like "uh I don't think so".

In my opinion it should be one of those words they beep out on tv because it's not an appropriate thing for them to say.  Children don't need to hear that either cause they are going to walk around calling people teabaggers and they have no idea what it means lol.

I had to explain what it meant to Chip and he didn't believe me the first 5 times I told him lol.  He thought I was being crude and was joking around but I wasn't lol.

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