Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Big Brother 11 Finale

I didn't watch this latest installment of Big Brother because I had other shows and I didn't really have that much time in my life this time around to spend on watching hours upon hours of Big Brother.  I watched the Showtime live feeds here and there but wasn't as loyal a viewer as I was during the last 2 seasons.

Tonight on the season finale the final 3 were Jordan, Natalie and Kevin.  Jordan won HOH then evicted Kevin so she and Natalie were the final 2.

Blah blah blah...

Jordan wins Big Brother 11 which is $500,000 half a million yay good for her.  Just wait until she sees how much she really gets after Obama gets his half.  In second place is Natalie winning the $50,000 prize.  Then America's favorite houseguest award goes to Jeff which is $10,000.

I'm so happy for all the people who won some money yay good for all of them.

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