Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kanye Apology (x4)

Ok so Kanye apologized twice on his blog, the first one he posted the night he dissed Taylor and then the next day he deleted it and posted the 2nd one where he compared himself to Ben Stiller lol.

Then he went onto the Jay Leno show last night which was the night after it all happened and gave an apology where he was like a little puppy dog but then he was all better because he was able to perform on stage with Jay-Z and Rihanna.

This morning Taylor was on the View talking about what happened and so finally after that was over he called her and apologized to her and she gracefully accepted.

Well good for her.  It's nice that she accepted his apology but she has no clue that this isn't an isolated incident and that he's done this kind of thing before and needs this humiliation to get the hint that he needs to stop doing this kind of shit.  His ego needs to be taken down about 20 notches.

Oh and what nobody saw (the TV audience) was that when he got off the stage and he heard all the booing he flipped the bird to the audience who was booing him.  And he said on Jay Leno that he didn't realize he was doing a shitty thing until he didn't hear Taylor finish her speech, then he was like oh shit did I do that?  Yes you did.

People all over the country have already deleted him off their iPods.  This whole thing has started a bad chain reaction and may this be a lesson to all the other egomaniacle jerks out there who think they can just do whatever they want when they want to.

Oh and he blamed the fact that he's been working so hard and that his mom died and all these other BS execuses which are a complete cop out.  There is no excuse for what he did.

Ok I'm over it now lol.

Oh by the way, President Obama said today that Kanye was a Jackass.  HA!  That's a little strange that the president is butting into this.  Didn't he learn his lesson when he said that the cop who arrested his professor friend "acted stupidly"?  Is he going to invite Kanye West over for a beer now to apologize?

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